
All facilities, equipment and utilities
under custody of the Contractor were
taxed to capacity during REDWING.
The schedule on which construction
was actually accomplished madeit necessary for the Contractor to request
unusually heavy support from all the

elements of Joint Task Force SEVEN,
particularly in the areas of surface and


Authorizing engineering and design during Fiscal Year 1957;


Authorizing procurement and con-

struction at the start of Fiscal
Year 1958.
(NOTE: Previously, engineering
and construction on Plant and

Equipment has been authorized

In general, available land areas were

three to four months after the
start of the Fiscal Year.)

Operational readiness dates could have
been delayed a minimum of six weeks,
for reasons beyond the Contractor’s
control, had it not been possible for
Task Group 7.1 to abridge its pre-shot
schedules drastically, had it not been
possible to secure unprecedented air-

Contractor be allowed to maintain
higher levels of inventory on construction items, thus permitting stockpiling
of larger quantities of material and
equipment in advance of design.

utilized to their maximum capacities.

lift capability, and had not every ele-

ment of JTF-7 cooperated to the fullest
in the agreements on priority of requirements.

It is recommended that:

No Operation larger than REDWING
be undertaken on a similar time scale,
using existing facilities.

Figure 1-15.

More efficient methods be developed
for handling the flow of information between all parties during development
of design criteria.
Standardization of equipment be explored to its fullest extent. The Contractor has effected standardization of
most common items required for con-


Every effort be made to avoid scheduling the FY 1958 Plant and Equipment program during the peak of activity of the next scientific program by:

struction, but it is believed that further

study will indicate that savings in design and procurement time could be
realized in other areas.

Warehouse - 95% Complete (Butler Type)
Page 1-31

Select target paragraph3