The preparation by each Task Group of a
check list of tasks to be performed for each
event covering the period of shot day minus
five through shot day plus three, facilitated the
placing of all facilities in a state of readiness for
each test. These lists indicated when facilities
could be secured, equipment moved, and which

utilities were to be serviced for operation during
the event. Similar lists covering re-entry provided for rapid reoccupation and re-establishment of vital support services.
Fourteen evacuations to sea of the personnel

in Bikini Atoll were required for seven events

scheduled in that area. Of these seven events

one was re-scheduled, after evacuation had been

completed, to take place in Eniwetok Atoll.

Evacuation to sea of personnel at Eniwetok
Atoll was not required; however, the capability
of accomplishing this task was maintained.

Measures taken for the protection of per-

sonnel, equipment and property were governed
by predictions of overpressures, thermal energy,

radioactive contamination and the extent of
inundation as furnished by Task Group 7.1.
With respect to camp and otherservice facilities,
two conditions of test readiness were applicable.
Where damaging pressures were probable, camps
and facilities were completely rolled-up; where





they were left intact. In this latter case, limited

precautions against blast, fall-out, or inundation

were taken as deemed advisable for each event.
With respect to scientific structures and facili-

ties, the measures for test readiness were as re-

quested by scientific personnel.

Figure 1-14.
Page 1-30

The roll-up of a camp was generally scheduled to commence on D-5 and to be completed
by noon of D-1 day. The roll-up consisted of
removing all equipment, materials and supplies
worth saving for shipment to Elmer from Eniwetok Atoll camps and to Nan for further transshipment to Elmer for Bikini Atoll camps. The
roll-up was accomplished according to schedule
and in phase with personnel reductions at each
site, with provisions for continued meal service

through an early lunch on D-1 day. Only those
buildings in temporary camps that could be
moved bodily and tent canvas in good condition
were salvaged. As scheduled, the roll-up of the
Yvonne camp waseffected prior to the LaCrosse
event, the Fox camp prior to Cherokee and Tare
prior to Zuni. The camps at Gene and Ursula
were left in a condition for rapid reoccupancy
after the LaCrosse event. As a result of the
radioactive contamination of these sites by this
event, roll-up commenced shortly thereafter.
It has been the practice in previous opera-

tions to remove most of the installed equipment

in scientific stations to Elmer for storage during

the interim period. For the roll-up following
REDWING, a decision was made to preserve
in place all such equipment except electric
motors. All electric motors were moved to
Elmer where they were overhauled and tagged
with station and equipment numbers, then placed in dehumidified storage. When the motors
were removed the corresponding driven equipment was also tagged with the motor number
to ensure proper reinstallation when required.
During the interim period following REDWING
periodic inspections of installed equipment and
maintenance measures will be performed as

Structural Frame for Warehouse

Select target paragraph3