Figure 3-14.


Outside Storage Area - Elmer.

All store requisitions were screened
through Kardex records before materials were
issued to ensure that allocated materials were
not being used for other purposes or, if the
materials were released for use, that adequate
replacements or substitutions were procurable.
Allocations of material were made against
specific or general construction commitments
until such time as definite requirements were
known; they were then posted to “use” feature.
Reviews were made of stock levels against established reorder points, and maintenance stock
replenishment requisitions were subsequently
initiated for items which were of standard
stock nature.
“Standard packaging’ was introduced in
hardware and was gradually extended to
other commodities. The expense of the monetary

and quantity control for such items as screws
far outweighed the value of the item. Therefore,
a standard package for screws (one gross) is
charged to a special account; individual issue
from this package is then made on a “no charge”
basis. Inventory control was maintained only on
unbroken packages. Many man-hours in accounting and material control were saved by the
introduction of the standard package system.

Special excess reports were submitted to

the Home Office calling attention to items of
inventory that could have no further possible
use at the Jobsite. These items were mainly
parts for heavy equipment, motor vehicles of
a type no longer at the Jobsite, or items of
special design which became obsolete. With the
disposition of these excess items, the total inventory at the Jobsite should be materially reduced.
Page 3-41

Select target paragraph3