action resulting from a storm on 17 December
1955. The total direct cost of this damage was
estimated at $70,256.00.
One of the high points relative to safety
during the Operation was the presentation of
the National Safety Council President’s Medal
to a Holmes & Narver, Inc. employee. The presentation was made by the H&N Resident
Manager on the evening of 21 May 1956 over

Armed Forces television station WXLE-TV.
Award of the medal was made for saving the

life of a member of TG 7.2 on site Fred by

the application of the Holger-Nielson back-pressure arm-lift method of artificial respiration on
the afternoon of 5 August 1955.
In the matters of safety, fire protection,

and health, extensive liaison with AEC and
Task Group officials was necessary for coordinating test activities with Holmes &
Narver operations. Through periodic visits to
the Jobsite by representatives of the Safety
and Fire Protection Division of ALOO, clan-

fication of the reports required by AEC and
interpretation of the safety requirements of the

AEC Manual were effected. These representa-


tives provided valuable suggestions for incorporation into the Contractor’s safety program

as well as descriptive material or sources of
material for use in safety activities.

Experience during previous test operations

indicated the need for more direct control by

the Contractor over employees in the matter
of radiation exposures. As a result of this, the
AEC assigned to Holmes & Narver the responsibility for radiological safety of AEC and the
Contractor’s personnel. On 15 August 1955, the
Contractor’s Rad-Safe unit was activated within
the Industrial Relations Division( later changed
to Administration Division) as a section of the
Safety Department. This unit functioned independently, except for policy direction by the
AEC Radiological Officer, until 15 April 1956,
at which time it was integrated into the TG 7.1
radiological safety unit for REDWING operational purposes. Upon departure of TG 7.1 from

the Proving Ground on 6 August 1956, the
responsibility for radiological safety reverted to
the Contractor’s Rad-Safe Unit.

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Figure 3-9.

Decontamination Area - Elmer
Page 3-23

Select target paragraph3