1 wD


Contract AT-(29-2)-20 between the Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC) and Holmes &
Narver (HEN), the Contractor, is a Fixed-Fee
Architect-Engineer-Construction - Management
contract administered by the Manager, Albu-

querque Operations Office of the AEC through

the Deputy Director, Test Division. Within the
framework of this Contract, the AEC has wide
latitude to change the scope of work or services
to be performed by Holmes & Narver and at
the same time protect all the rights and interests
of the Government insofar as the control and
expenditure of funds is concerned. This Contract
superceded Contract AT-(29-1)-507, under
which the work and services for Operation
GREENHOUSEwere performed, and was executed to provide for Operation IVY. It was
first modified and extended to cover Operation
CASTLE and then altered again for RED-

WING. In general, the modifications and
extensions provided for a continuation of H&N
responsibility for the engineering, construction,
operation, and maintenance of the Pacific Prov-

ing Ground. Thecentralization of authority and
responsibility for all features of the project
under one contract permitted simultaneous
action on architect-engineer services, procurement of construction equipment and materials,
recruitment of manpower, and the various other

elements required for planning a complex Operation against a rigid end-date.

The organizational structures illustrated in
Figures 3-1
and 3-2 provided for the
executive and administrative control of the
related functions assigned under this Contract.
The administrative relationships of organizational units were further clarified by a standard
system of Home Office and Jobsite procedures
and bulletins which outlined: methods, delegated
authority, and fixed responsibilities. Of particular importance in this respect, in view of the

fact that the responsibility of both engineering
and construction resided in one organization,
was the necessity of ensuring that engineering

services, including inspection of construction,
progress reporting, and related functions, were


In any operation of this magnitude, a large
part of the work is experimental, and when the
sites of operation are isolated from the normal
supply of both personnel and material, certain

difficulties must be considered at the outset.
Management planning was based on the realization that these difficulties would be minimized by maintaining close liaison with representatives of the Commission, and the various participants, including Military, Scientific, and
Transportation Agencies. The effectiveness of
this planning is borne out by the manner in
which difficulties, arising as a result of additions
to the scope of work and the short time allocated
for their completion, were overcome.

Over-all responsibility for policy direction
affecting contractual obligations rested with the
Executive Vice President of Holmes & Narver,
Inc. He delegated to the Manager of the Construction Division the authority to coordinate
all activities affecting the engineering, construction, and operation of the entire Pacific Proving
Ground project. To assist the Manager of the
Construction Division in fulfilling these responsibilities there was established within the H&N
organization under the Project Manager, a selfcontained administrative unit comprisingall the
elements necessary to completely service the requirements of this overseas project and also to
facilitate Home Office participation. The plan of
this unit was devised so that, upon inception of
the project, the following phases could be coordinated.

Complete design of the project, including all engineering incidental thereto.
Preparation of cost estimates.
Accounting and control of costs.
Scheduling of operations, and the
follow-up necessary for maintaining
these schedules.
Purchase and inspection of materials
and equipment and their transportation to the project sites.

Mobilization of manpower, including
recruiting, security clearing, and transportation.
Furnishing a field staff for engineering
supervision of construction.
Construction of the project.
Inspection of construction.
Page 3-1

Select target paragraph3