Figure 2-183. Clearing Beach
for LCU Landing


Figure 2-184.

LCU at Kapingamarangi


Figure 2-186.


teh a 8

Operations Building - Rongenk

framed, on concrete slabs, and covered with

ductor; one pair also led to a camp

wood tower were used for elevated water storage;

Project 31.1 Microbaragraph Station: This recorder station was set

plywood or aluminum (whichever was available.) Power and fresh and salt water services
were provided. Navy cubes on a prefabricated
Navy cubes were also used for fuel-storage and
septic tanks. Each weather station required
concrete anchor blocks for guying each of three
90-foot antennas, and a concrete rawinsonde

pad. Limited camp facilities at Wotho, Uterik,
and Ujelang were provided by the erection of
tents or sheds for shelters. A standard Jobsite
portable galley was used at Wotho, and at the
other two sites a galley was set up around army
field ranges.
The off-atoll scientific projects were as


Stations 562.01 and 562.02 for Raydist receiving-transmitting: These
stations consisted of two antenna
farms approximately 3,200 feet
apart in cleared ground with antenna poles at each farm guyed to
three concrete guy anchor blocks.
Power at each station was supplied
from two portable generators. Telephone service between stations was

provided through a six pair conPage 2-202


up in an eight-man tent, which was

provided with a work bench and
electric outlets.


Project 31.1: Construction requirements were similar to those on


A Rad-Safe monitor station in an
eight-man tent was provided witk
power and water service.


Project 2.65: Contractor cleared
ground for a station set up b:

Project 6.3: Area was cleared, four
posts, station equipment, and portable generators were set up, an

fuel and water service provided.

Project 31.1: Same as for Wotho.


‘Project 6.3: Same as for Rongeri

The building schedule for off-atoll construction as finally accomplished wasas follows:

Select target paragraph3