The first phases of the Kapingamarangi
and Kusaie projects were completed and that
of Tarawa was nearing completion when the
off-atoll scientific requirements were made
known. Criteria and priorities in the construction of these projects were not firmly established
until 26 January 1956 when a conference was
held in the Contractor’s Home Office between
representatives of the AEC, JTF-SEVEN and
other interested parties, at which time all offatoll work was covered. The off-atoll scientific

projects were to be located on Ujelang, Wotho,

Uterik, Rongerik and Kusaie. A rescheduling

of supporting vessels was then effected so that
the scientific projects could be undertaken along
with the work remaining on weather station

The major problems with off-atoll con-

struction were those connected with logistics.

Planning of each mission had to be detailed
with respect to men, materials, and equipment
since resupply for each construction mission was

Figure 2-182.

limited to that which could be carried on a PBM-type plane. One of the PBM’s was lost in
landing at Kusaie. A large seaplane landing

area was thereafter wire dragged to 9 feet and
marked with appropriate buoys. The beaching
of the LST at Tarawa was delayed from 11
December to 16 December because of existing
unfavorable conditions. When the vessel finally
beached, it was approximately 500 feet from
the shore with three to six feet of water at the
bow ramp. Vehicles could be taken over the
bow ramp only during a three hour period. A
DUKW was used to transfer packaged cargo
from the LST to the beach. Other cargo was
landed through the use of a barge and tug which
were furnished free of charge by the Tarawa
local government. This latter cargo had to be
landed at the pier located on this island which
was about one mile from the construction site.
Each weather station was provided with
an operation-supply, mess hall, day room, two
barrack-buildings each 48’x 20’, and a pump
house 16’x 16’. The buildings were wooden-

Aerial View of Tarawa
Page 2-201

Select target paragraph3