Figure 1-2.

Major Scientific Stations - Yvonne

Construction activities with respect to
scientific stations and temporary facilities were
required on practically all islands of Eniwetok
and Bikini as well as on seven other atolls
in the Western Pacific Ocean area where four
weather station and eight scientific projects
were located.

Concurrent with the construction of scien-

tific stations and temporary facilities, expansion

and improvement of the Elmer and Fred camps
were effected. The principal facilities added
during the transitional period under P&E projects for the Fiscal] Year 1955, as previously
noted, were the deep-water pier, eleven barracks
at Fred, and the second submarine powercable
between Elmer and Fred. Additional plant and
equipment projects approved for construction

during Fiscal Year 1956 (P&E Projects 6001

and 6011) included 17 buildings at Fred and 18

buildings at Elmer, with a total building area
of 147,494 sq. ft. for barracks, shops, warehouses, administration offices, and other uses.
With the exception of the chapel at Elmer and
the chapel and guest house on Fred, which were

wooden structures, all the buildings added were
prefabricated of either the all-aluminum (Pacific

Iron & Steel) type or the steel frame with aluminum siding and roofing (Butler) type. To the
Fred POL farm there were added two 5,000-

barrel and two 10,000-barrel fuel storage tanks,

filling and distribution lines, and fire protection

and other appurtenances. The Elmer POL farm
was modernized with a replacement of tanks
and additional fire protection. A Joint AECArmed Forces Radio Receiving Station, including a camp to support approximately 20

operating personnel was constructed on David.

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