The 300-foot vacuum pipes consisted of 4”,
8” and 12”-diameter thin wall steel pipe, supported and braced in Station 22 by a steel
column, hangers at the front wall of Station 22,
and 14 steel H-frame supports. Provisions were
made in the support system to resist the lateral
thrust of the vacuum pipes, to allow for longi-


and for horizontal and vertical adjustment of
the pipes. The approximate size of the supports
was 17’ high by 10’ wide. On the side of and
about midway along the pipe lengths, a concrete base and wood shelter were provided for

This station consisted of three 8”-diameter
pipes forming a vacuum pipe array which extended from the cab of 300-foot tower Station
3 to a steel grate platform located at the 262.5foot level of the tower. A 2’ x 4’ x 4’-6” opening
was made in the floor of the cab and angles

tudinal movement by use of expansion bellows,

two vacuum pumps.

The mirror house for the 300-foot array
was a plywood structure approximately 12’-8” x
14’-8” and 9-4” high at the front and sloping

to 8’-4” at the rear wall. The front of the mir-

ror house contained two 16’-diameter ports
with a 16”-diameter 4-foot long sheet metal tube

in each. A steel mirror support extended from
the ground and through the floor which was
braced with a cross beam at elevation plus 22.92
feet. The mirror house also contained two struct-

ural supports for two 565-pound User-furnished

lead pipes 18” in diameter and 24 feet long
which were located directly behind the port
holes in the face of the building.
The second pipe array consisted of 8”-diameter pipes supported by seven steel H-frame
supports. Provisions were also madefor the lateral thrust and for vertical and horizontal adjustment. An elevated wooden platform 10’-6” x
6’ and 9 high and a 4’ x 4’x 4’ concrete block

were provided for vacuum pumps.

The four mirror houses were of plywood
construction with dimensions as follows:
(A) 12’-4” x 5-6” x '7’-0”- high;
(B) 5-0” x 4’ x 7’-0” high;

(C) 5-0” x 4’-6” x 7-0” high;
(D) 5-0” x 4’-6” x 7’-0” high.
The front of each mirror house contained a
10’-diameter port in which a 10’-diameter 2’
long sheet-metal tube was located. Extending
from the ground and through thefloor of each
mirror house was an 8”-diameter steel mirror
support topped with an 8” standardsteel flange.
The required elevation at the top of the mirror
support was 23.00 feet plus or mimus 4%”. The
mirror supports were encased by 12”-diameter
steel pipe which acted as a sun shield and thereby reduced expansion. The surfaces of all mirror
houses facing Station 2300 were painted black.
Power was supplied from Station 22. No
timing signals were required. A total of 60 cubic
yards of concrete was poured with an average
28-day strength of 3750 psi.
Page 2-118

Photo Pipe Array

were welded across the opening for securing the

pipes at this level. Pipe supports were also provided at the 287.5 and 275-foot levels. The platform was prefabricated and designed to withstand a load of 60 psf. A pipe support was provided about 4 feet above the platform. The pipes

were installed in approximate positions during
May; the balance of the equipment was not in-

stalled until late June because of prior events.
A safety railing was installed on the platform
with access provided from the elevator or foot
ladder. The pipes and pumps were User-furnished and Contractor-installed. A clear line of sight
was required from mirrors at the bottom ends
of the pipe to Station 2301. Power requirements
were 10 KW for instruments and 10 KW for
utilities and were furnished from two panels
located in the cab of tower Station 3.


2320.01 thru 2320.10

Fluor Station

CONSTRUCTION: 1-18-56/6-6-56
These stations were billboard-type structures 16’ long, 8’ high and mounted so that the
intersections of their center lines were at. an
elevation of 16 feet. The stations were wood
framed, set on concrete foundations, and covered with plywood, the faces of which were covered with flat black paint. Receptacles were
provided for connecting the User-furnished

Plywood Fluor Billboard

This station consisted of 13’-wide structural
steel platforms built on the elevator side of tower

Station 3 and extending across one side of the

Select target paragraph3