chennel to Helenwno, Oehu. In view OS the high optimum work Frequency
forec~st for the period of the test~ it was decided thst three element
bean Pntenngswould be used for long-h~l te~etyp communicationson the
wire fmquenciea.

Mr. AltonR. Hert, from the Office of the Chief

Signpl Officer, wes furnished to assist in the ~st$lletion Of the beam
ente.nms end to provide such technical t?ssistmce as WPS required in’
the constructim of the belance of the entenne fsrms and in t’hetesting
of the redio trauxzltters. Mr. Hert gma

invaluable assistance in the

installationof the BC-339 trmsmitters,used on the circuits to Oahu.
At this time it WPS eppe.rentth~t the power supplied by the engineers
could not be relied upon due to the leek of voltage and frequency
regulation end the impossibilityof spchronizing the loeds between any
two gener~tors in order to provide continuous power. The generators
t!vt were .tiished were 75 KY} Ceterpillers end were in very poor
neckmis:l end elect~icel condition. It WPS therefore necesscry to
order additionalpower equipment incorporatingoutput regul~tion md
synchronizct:onfeatures for the trmsmitters, receivers, communic8tionis
center End ‘theVHF installations.
In ~ccordmce with the requirements of the constructionforces
on Engebi, md !.N/I!?,C-l
wes instelled with e ED-72 end a FE-95 power
supply so es to provide signel communicationslocelly on Engebi and
elso between thet islmd end Eniwetok. This initiel instell~tionwes
completed ebout 26 Decembe~ 1947 end was leter sugme:.tedby the
installation0? m

J.N/TRC-lsystem end tower facilities

including teletype end telephone cable installations. Similer instellE58

Section XI

Select target paragraph3