1947. The IST 219 dso csrried the major portion of the equipment for
the Oahu group. The LST was beached shortly after arrival and Major
Rittenhouse established e depot. The ship was unloaded by troops.
Initial communicationsconsisted of SCR-3001S between the headquart=s
on the flagshlp USS COMSTOCK, end the LST dock. The NSVS1 garrison’s
radio stetion NDU was taken over end operated by the Army personnel at
this time. A semrch of the islend wes made, and cable records and
cable maps were fcamd in the trash In verious buildings.
In accordancewith the plan, a three position TC 10 was installed
in a dugout in the comuunicetionserea. Wire teams tested out the
underground cable systems on the island, regerminatingthem on the
main freme at the telephone exchange. This ceble syetemweo augmented
by the installationof 5 and 10 pair rubber covered cable and later
with 51 pair armored underground cable. Terminels h

the old cable

were replaced and cables were m-routed to provide the necessarytrunks
between the varims comkadcations installations. The W*


installed P5-95ts at ell signal stations to provide power and lights
to enable the various crews to work after dark pending the instelletion of the island powar.
The telephone exchange was placed into service on 16 Deaember 1947


The radio section immdietely started the surveying of the antenna ferms
et the transmitter end receiver locations. (charts of these ereaa me
included in the techniael report of communications). Construction of
the numerous entonnaswas started by the wire constructionsteems. Ths

first clrouit turnedup to traffic was circuit No. @2s

Section XI

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Select target paragraph3