
tions were made in the follow-


order: Runit, Aomon-Bijiiriend Perry.

The initislVHF (~N/TRC-1) ~stelletion wes too smell for ultim~te
requirements. It wss decided to utilize a building edjecent to the
Joint CommunicationsCenter md house all of the AN/TRC-l end associated
CF-1 md CF-2 equipment at that locstion. Established under the
engineeringdirection of Mr. Jack Eggert? from Heedqu~rters~Si@el
Corps EngineeringLsborstories,Ft. Monmouth2 N. J.z this wes probebly
the Iergest installationof its hd


ettemptedby the e-d


During the period covered by this report, communicationspersonnel
were called upon to renovete their own housing erea end the buildings
thet were to be occupied by commnicetions Installations. They were
Plso called upon to instkll power poles end power end lighting distribution wiring. The constructionfor communications~rposes et
Eniwetok was further complicated by the necessity of blFating 95 percent
of the holes for antenne poles. Sub-surface corel strate were continually
being encountered.
Despite exceedingly long hours of work, the morele of the communications personnelwas outstanding. On many occssions, it was necessery
to order mm

off of their jobs so that they would obtein enough rest.

On 27 December 1947 the personnel furnished from Signsl Corps sources
in the U. S. arrived ,endwere essigned as an augmentationof the ex.lsting
initial forces. The balance of the personnel from l.~v Ground Forces
arrived between 1S-26 January 194S. A large proportion of the first
group were recent grdudes

of the Signal Corps School. Schools were

immediatelyestablished to provide on-the-job and classroom traintig in
the equipmentswhich they were expected to operate end meintein.
Secticm XI




Select target paragraph3