e. Eniwetok and Engebi, 8 channels;
f. Eniwetok and -~~on~ 4 channels;
13* Fhiwetok and Runit, 4 channels;

Eniwetok and Parry, 8 channels.

These circuits required the fo~o~



associatedtelephone and teletype carrier and ringer equipment:
a. AG+’i’,5 sets;

All-h,3 sets;

c. AV-5, 3 sets;

Eniwetok, 9 sets;

e. Engebi, 2 sets;
f. Parry, 2 sets;

Aomon, 1 set;


Runit, 1 set.

This made a total of twenty-six (26) AN/TRC-l equipments required for
the complete installation. All of these equipments were to operate
within a radius of approximatelyten (10) miles and considerabletime
was devoted by the CommunicationsSection to the selection of the fiftytwo (52) frequencies required in the band of 70-100 megacycles. Plans
and supervisionof the shipboard installationswere started during the
first week in December 1947 with Lieutenant Commander Ralph L. Hildebrand~
USNR, supervisingthe AV-5 installation at Norfolk, Virginia, and
Lieutenant (junior grade) Thomas V. Grant, USN, superv~s~

the AV-1:

and the AGC-7 at Terminal Island Naval Shi~ard, San Pedro, California.
Inspection trips to these shipyards were made by?dr. Hopkins and by

section XI

Select target paragraph3