personnel concerned. They all agreed that these radio telephone
circuitswould be a highly desirable feature in the communications
The first written request for radio telephone service was made
by the At~c

Mergy Commission on 12 November 1947 ad included

listings of main points and the number of channels desired between
each of them. AL+.ocontatied in this letter was the initial request
for telephone installationsat the main island locations. The ftisl
request for these facilities differs only in detail and is listed
During a trip to Washington covering the period 13-21 November
1947, final requirementsfor the radio telephone system were determined.
Decision on these final requirementsinvolved estimates of the amount
of traffic expected,the existing Mnitation of four (k) outside lfie
drops on the AV switchboards,personnel and space restrictions aboad
ship, lMted

planning and installationthe

for the ships, a possible

~crease in the number of drops on the AGC-7 switchboardfmm four (k)
to ten (10), and the relocation of the main shore relay station fxwn
Parry to Eniwetok. The final Atomic Energy Commission radio telephone
plan was evolved on19 February 1948, just priorto actual operation of
the system. The request included the following circuits:

AGC-7 and AV-5, 2 channels;


AGC-7 and AV-4, 1 channel;


AV-4 and AV-5, 2 channels;


AGC-7 and Ehiwetok, 7 channels;

Section XI

Select target paragraph3