Since the communicationsyst~ pl-ing

had been going on for nearly

a month, the Communicationsand ElectronicsSection was already
aware of most phases of the current Scientific Plan and were considering means of supplying the necessary communications. At this
time, AN/TRC-l radio telephone equipnentwas to be used in the
primary communicationnetwork between principal points ashore and
SC3.-6O8(lO-channelvoice) radio sets for voice communicationsbetween
radio sets were to be
ships, and between ships and shore. Navy ?L!BF
tistalled in the cabins of the Technical (later called Scientific)
Directors and the r~neral ana Flag Officers of the Armed Forces to
provide an intercommunicationsysten for their exclusiveuse. Plans
were also bei~ made to provide radio teldtype facilities for .mess~e
handling between the fomard area ~d the United States.
On 28 0ctober194’7,first considerationwas given to the possibility
of installing AN/TItC-lequi~ent on the main ships to provide VHF radio
telephone and teletype service between the ships and between the ships
and the Amy

shore system. This tistallationwould permit an tidividual

at any shipts service telephone to call his shipts switchboard and be
connected to any ship$s servicp telephone on the other ships or to any
telephone at the main shore locations. The need for such a flexible
radio telephone system intercomecting the U.S.S. ALBEMARLE (AV-5),
U.S.S. CURTISS (AV-4), U.S.S. l!!.MCKINLEY (MC-7), Eniwetok Island,
Control Island (Parry),and the three Zero Islands (Ehgebi, Aomon/
Bijiiri/Rojoa and Runit) was discussed with all the principal scientific

Section XI


Select target paragraph3