facilitieswo~d be ~uirgd

for the scientificphase of the operation:

(1) Telephone circuits (radio and wire) between the various
shore installationsand the three pr-


(2) Radio intercom facilities between the offices of the
Atomic Energy Commission and main staff sections of the
Joint Task Force;
(3) Radio teletype and coding systems to provide for transmission of .4tomicEnergy Act (AM) ‘RestrictedDatal!
messages between the primary ships and between the ships
and the Atomic Energy Commission installationsin the
United States;
(4) Technical radio nets to back up the radio telephone
(5) Special radio nets required by the evacuation Radiological,
Blast, Neutron and Radio Chemistry groups.
On 27 October 194’7after a general briefing on the purpose and
status of the plan for the scientific phase of Operation Wandstonen
bybfr. Henderson (First Assistant Scientific Director, J-Division),
a trip was made to Washington, D.C., and Boston, Massachusetts,to
detemine the communicationand electronic requirementsof the
scientificgroups operating frcxnthese locations and to meet the JTF-?
communicationsand electronics staff. The delineation of responsibiMties within this staff pruvided that the A-

would supply all ground

communications,the Navy all shipboard facilities and the Air Force
all air/groundand point-to-pojmtcommunicationsconcerning aircraft.


Section XI


Select target paragraph3