4ft drum, and through a blook in the “A”-frame, -d

ooiled d-

Ends were laahod together and loope containing the ode

laid out at alternate ende of’ooil for spliaing. SPlioe~ mmmendgd
splicing ae soon ae the first reel was stowed. Loading and splioing
prooeeded simultaneously.
Upon the completion of the uplioing of sufficient oable, laying
operation oo~enoed. Splidng was diaoontinuedonly during aotual
laying operatiom.

Loading and splioingwere oarried out on night

watoheu when necessary.


While laying, the cable led fkom the ooil amidahipe through a
blook in the ‘An- frame and through fhirleadsto


outrigger Mar

the bow. Iaylng speed was approximtely S knote. If the LSH oould
not get in within 100 yards of the beaoh, sufficient cable waa transferred into an LCMuhichoarried

it to the shore. Cable buoys were

provided to float In the shore ende but this was never neoessary. A
traotor or winch would have been required in the latter ease to haul
in the shore end. The shoro ●nde wwre scoured to anohor logs buried

the sand to prwent the oablo being dragged off-shore tiile laying


by eurf aotioa. -

oables were led frm

the beaohm underground

to terminal boxes in the Momio Mergy Coamiaaton Structures.


Seotion XI


Select target paragraph3