of the Communioatioaeand EleOtronios Sect$on for tMs
the date mentioned above, fo-1

projeot. On

transfer of responsibilityfor the

laying Of the submarine cable to the Co=nder

Na-1 Task Group (Task

Group 7.3) WM effeoted. Commander Task Group 7.3 established Task
Unit 7.3.6 (CableUnit), and Lieutenant hwumnder Rowund assumed

of this unit uhioh oomprleed the two LSIPS and Mavy Signal

Unit Number One.
The Operations of the S~PS and pereonnel assembled for the
laylxigof subarine oable are not hereinafterreported by the %mmunicatione and BlectroniosSection. However, teohnioal information
relating to the electrical oharaoteristiosand perforsnnoe of the
subarine cable, as WW1l as noteworthy operational reoorde and
Information,are contained in the teohnical report of the C~unioatione and Eleotronica Section. Further information on operation my
be had from Annex B of Ccmmander Task Group 7.S Operation Plan 1-48.
In addition, ● brief statexmnt of the method of operation whioh was
ueed by the Gable Unit Is”inoluded below.






The oable, on reels, was landed from the oargo ships, transported
to the storage area, aad looated in orderly rowe, spaoed to permit
jaoking up ofeaoh individual reel.
The MM

landed at the dook or besoh adjaooat to the storage area

(seaplaneramp on l%rry Island). The cable was led from jaoked-up
ree1s through neoessary fair-bads to the ISM, over
Section X1




Select target paragraph3