the Simplex Wire & Cable Company was reoeived and chipped to the
forward areafi that timO.
During the month of Movember, three (S) Chief Eleotrieiants
Ktee were sent to the Simplex ~re

& Cable %mpanyat


Massaohuaette,where they reoeived a two-weeks oourse of instruction
in the type ofsplioing to be used at Eniwetok. One reel of”typO
116-P cable was shipped to this same oompany for splicing training.
Teohnioians of the Atomio Energy Cbsaion

who were looated at the

~ssaohueetts Institute of Technologyalso conduoted oertain prelhdnary
tests on this cable in the laboratoryof the oable oompany. Mr. Herbert
J. Leupold, a test supervlaor in the oompany, was put in oharge of all
business of the oompany with the Task Foroe and later joined the oable
organization at Eniwotok. He participated therein an advisory
oapaolty on mattere of oable splioing and oable Perfo-oe.

All of

these foregoi~ nmtters had been ●rranged through the oontraot proposed
in the letter to the Chief of Maval Operatfone dated 24 Ootober 1947.
During 190vember,the Atomio Energy %nmiauion ohanged its plan
for “the distributionsystem or layout of s~rine

oable. This

ohange involved elimination of the barge as a @notion point and provlbd for the landing of all oablee on islands. Thie ohange did not
materially influenoe the plane and ●rrangementswhioh had been ~de
for the lafing of submarineo able. It dSd not ai.gnlfioantly
the amount of oable to be ●mployed.
By 20 Nowmber 1947 ●ll the plane for the eubmarine oable projeot
were ocmpleted.This ●nded other than no-l
Seotion XI

responsibilityof the

Select target paragraph3