provide working spaue for an attend~t both fore and aft of the &m.
(b) “An-frame. Inetall a suitably braced or self-supporting
“A”-framewith its apex located titihipa, midway between frames 12
and 13 and 20 feet above the main deck. It should be supported from
the superstructuredeok. A uteel eya should be fitted on the under
side of the apex for supportinga large snatohblook. A ladder or
steps should be provided on the “A”-frame to pemit aooesa to the
snatohblook. A aeoond steel eye should be provided at the ●pex about
12 inches higher than the flret, for attaohing a small blook for raising
and louwrlng the anatohblookor oable.
(o) Inetall two short outriggers or boome mounted to projeot
outboard about 4 fbet from the superstructuredeok on both port and
starboard 6ides at frame 10. outriggers to be so fitted that they may
be stowed inboard when not In uee. Facilities muet be provided for
looklng them fi~y

in the outboard position. Eaoh outrigger to be

fitted with two large padeyee looated on the fomrd

and @er


4 inohes from the outboard end, supporting large snatohblooks.

Strength of all mmmbers mwt be suffloient to withstand oable laylng
etralne whloh may reaoh
(d) Install padeyes on both port and etarboqrd superatrueture
deoka for attaohing snatohblookeat the followlng loeationes

inohea from inboard edge ofdeok and

about 2 feet aft of framee 10, 11, 12 and 13.

inohes from outboard edge of deokand

about 2 feet aft of frames 10 and 1S.
Seotim XI


Select target paragraph3