
by two LCM(6)~s, tno IAXLtm and 2 ~’ss

In ordor to load and lay the armored oable, whioh till b.

approximately1* inches in dlametor with splioes aboti 3 inehs in
diameter, and uhieh weighe ,aboutone ton per thousand feet of cable,
it will be neoessary to provide ● pouer-drimn d-,
fairleadsand short outriggersor be-.

and ● n “A”-fram,

It is propoeod to eoil a

oable on the main deok between frames 9 and 16 with the centir of
the ooil midway between frames 12 and 13. It till be paid out through
a block in an ‘An-frameereeted owr

the center of the ooil, through a

series of blooks on the euperstruoturedeok, and a blook near the end
of a short outrigger pro~oting from the side of the vessel at frame
10, on the ulnduard side. To provide these fieilitieethe following
modifloatione to the LSM are proposed.
(a) Cable tineh. Install one oable uinoh ●quipped with a
flat, flanged dr~ 46 inohes in dlaaeter and about 30 inohes In width.
The drum should be motor driven, with


mriable speed in either dlreo-

tion of fr~ S to 10 r.p.m. Power ●hould be ●ffioient to prov~de a
one ton pull on the cable at S r.p.m. Wedged shaped ‘shoes. should
be provided for eliding the turne of oable acrosa the fmoe of the
drun, when the ha


rotated in ●ither direotion. The dr~ aluft is

to be supported on one side of the dmm only to petit throwing bighte
of the cable ●round the drum. The dr= and “shoes”

should be slmibr

in desiq to those provided by BuShipe in nmking submarine oable la@ng
modifioatione to AN (formerYN) type net tenbu

in 1942. I’IMwlnoh

chould be mounted amidshipe ●t frame 9 on a platform runming between
and on the level of tb

two superstructuredeoka. The platfom ●hould

Section XI

Select target paragraph3