requirementsthan had heretofo- been forthoomlng. Rhen suff)ioimi+
informationof this kind had ~en received an effort was made to
resolve any resulting duplioatiOM into joint oyetema or oirauita.
In alaost all cases it -a

pos6ible to ~ke

Those steps neoessary to the proourant

arrangement Of’thh kind.

of equipwmt, supplies,

personnel and assignment of voice calls, oall signs and routing indioators were then undertaken. When these matters had been passed fbr
exeoution to normal aervioe or supply agenoies, it was neaeawy


keep a oheok and supervioe their progress. Ey the end of Deoember,
moat of the offioers of the Ccnumni=tions and Eleotronios Staff were
engaged in nmeroue

field trips required for the expediting of the busi-

neoo ofeaoh sorvloe. Hhen suoh off%oera -re away from the task
foroe headquartersin WMhington, they -re required to auhit weekly
reports of their progress to the ConmunioationeOff!ioerso that
the headquartersmight keep infomed and maintain coordination amongst

scattered repreaontat$ves. Theee weekly reporta were uulxnitted

in consolidated form to the Chief of Staff of the task forae for similar
In the monthe preoeding koember the Conmwnioatione%ffuas
involved in the assembly and completion of its detailed plain For

purpose it was neoessary to gather

mor. information,



varioue oirouits, to assign frequenoiea and assemble all individual
faotors into a oomplete llsting of ohannels. This data eventmlly
formed the Cmunioatioxu

and Eleotronies Plan


Section n

(Annex F to Meld

Select target paragraph3