

arri~ed ia Washin@on on 27 October 1947. He spent

Hr. *P-

the first few days after his arrival with the C-unl*tione


md *S hington reprosentatims of the Atomic Bnergy Comnis6ion determining mt

BIOaSUMS had already been tiken -d -t

to be fo~d

for tti mnmmloatioxu

plans were Still

needs of the Atomio Energy Com-

miaaion. TIU result- of these and later ttudies were eventually incorporated into a letter from the Atomio Bnergy Cmmmis6ion to the
Conmmnbr Joint ~aak Foroe “Mtohumnn

entitled ‘Proposed Communiea-

tionu System for Operation %andetone,n dated 12 November 1947.

the arrival of an AEC member, the Comnnmdoationestaff was

completely formed.
A brief res~o of the early aooompliahmentiof the Communioatione
and Bleotm ties Seotion will be made in the followlng paragraph.
Detailed acao~ts of the oonmnioatione aepeots of tl& entire opratioa
follow as a series of separate reporte made by eaoh mjor


of the Comunioatlons and Ele utronioa Seotion. The8e reporte 8upplement one another and when vtewed together they give an entirely
o-prehensive reoord fFom an operatiowl standpoint. A separate
teahnioal report on ooamunioatlonewill be publisbd eonourrentlywith
the last of this historical report and will otin

all data, &s.


ouesions, reoamaendationa and reoorde whioh are not suitable for inoluaion in thic history.
Af%er reporting and orientation,eaoh of the of.fioercof the

and Bleotromlo8 Seotion o~rned

plane for particular

needs Of the eervioe whioh he representedby assembling more ●peoifio


Seotiom XI

Select target paragraph3