teohnioal features of the problm pre~tory

to the formulationof

his plan.
on 13 Ootober 1947 IAeute-nt Colonel C. A. Smith, USAF, reported

apeoial Air Foroe representitim on the staff of the Co=unication8

Officer. on the same date, Lieuten*t Colonel J. E. Dupree, USA, reported as C~

ioatione Offioer for %m@nder,

Air Foroes (Ma$or

General W. E.Kepner). The planning for Air Foroe ooamnanioatlone
whioh had been eonduoted heretofore by Captain Engleman, Colonel Hatoh


and Colonel John Bestio, USAF (on temporary duty pending arrival of
permanent Air Foroe representati~es
), now passed to Lieutenant Colonels


and Dupree.
Commander R. J. Sohmidt, USNO reported for duty on the staff of

the CmmnnaioationeOffloer on 24 Ootober 1947. He me
the Aesi8tant

designated a8

CommunioationeOffioer (Bavy). Lieutenant ($mior

grade) T. V. Grant, USN, also -ported for duty on 24 Ootober 1947
and was designated as the Eleotronies Planning Offleer (Bavy).
Prior to their reporting, the taaka awaiting assignment of an Aesistant
CommuuicationeOffloer (Xmy) had taken only the general proportions
oontained in the original ua-ptione

for planning.

On 23 October 1947, Mr. R. W. Henderson, Flret Assistant SoIentiflo Direwtor of J-lMviaha, I@ Alamoe Saientiflo Mboratory, aaalgned

Louis A. Hopkins, Jr., of the Sandia Base Branch to be Coxmmnioa-

tlone “LiaisomOffluer between J-lMvlsion and the Armed Foroes. On
7 January 1S47 Lieutenant Colonel John P. Soroggs, Signal Corpe, of
the 38th Engineer Battalion was ohosen to ●id Hr. Hopkins in this


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