During these oonferexloea
the staff of the C-uloatiom


Eleotronios Seotion had many opportunitiesto ●dvise the Atomio Energy
Co~iUBion on gleotro~o$ ~tters allied tith but not di~ctly their
One of the earliest requests presented at the6e oonferenoes concerned the im~llation
oontrol, inst~n~tion


submarine cable at Eniwetok Atoll for the

and photographing of the three test8. Rev%ous

experience had d~onatrated the presenoe of oertain objectionable
oharaoteriotiosin radio contro18 when used for suoh purposes. The
transmissionof the control signals through sutmarine cables was
therefore highly desirable despite the high ooats and comparatively
large-scaleoperations required for their installation. Preliminary
investigationsinto the feasibilityof a subnmrine oable installation
were favorable and the Conmmznioations
Offloer was direoted to formulate
a plan for the ●eoompllshmentof this projeot.
On 8 Ootober 1947 Ensign Felix J. Jablonskl, WN, reported for
duty and was ●ssigned as Cable Offloer for the Consnunioations
On 13 October 1947, Lieutenant Coammnder HarryE. Rowand, U.S. Coast
Ward, reported for duty and assasmd overall olmrge
cable pro~eot. Lieutenant C~nder


qualified for this asaignmsnt inv3ewof

of the sub-rlae


MS extensive knowledge of

the types of oables then being considered for uee and his life long
associationwith sulmariae oable work.

Ho offloer ofoomparable ex-

perience or knowledge was to be found in any of the servioes. Lieutenant commander Rowand began a ptudy of the nmterial, personnel and

Section XZ

Select target paragraph3