
Order 19mbgr OnO, Joint Task Foroe Seven). Thi@ mmx



in final form on 6 February 1948.
An initial oompositesignal detachmentwas equippd



frcm USARPM, CINCPAC -d AACS souroes and dispatched to Eniwetok
in mld-~o~mber for the ~ediate
and the oo~e~ement
later on.

inatal~t ion of Oertain fiOilitiea

of OOM truotion for all tlw fkoilities required

By middle Deoember this detachmentwas operating neoesaary

Initial oirouits to Oahu from Eniwe%ok and had aoti-ted a oomplete
tower oontrol faoilityat tho Eniwetok Atoll airfield. All plans for
speoial installation on Mjor naval vessels had been oompleted in
early Iboember and these ships had arrived at the different Mval shipprti in the U. S. where the conversionwork was begun. The Air
Foroe neared completion in Maroh of its inetallationoof conmwnioatione faoilitiea at Kwajalein and Eniwetok ●lthough some delaya were
●xperienoe d.

All during this period tb overseaa and d~eetio ●rrangements
neoeaaary for the handling of Joint Task Foroe Seven traffio were being
made with the oommunioationeorganizations

of the Army, Mavy ●nd Air

Foroo. The Atomio Energy Conmicsion nmde 8peoial ●rrangement at its
facilities ●t Los Alamoa, Ikw Hexioo, and eloewhere in the U. S.
During Xaroh all the mjor oonmmioatioaa fioilitieoto be ueed


by Joint Task Foxue %en

aohieved physioal and administrative

completion,and the -jor

ships of the taak foroe nwre enroute to

the forward ● rea fully equipped. hating the monthe of February and
Maroh the weight of oomuunioatiom trafflo uae gradmlly shifted

Seotion XI

Select target paragraph3