FY 1980
Funding Levels were $351,000 operating and $50,000 capital equipment ‘for

An operating budget of $50,000 was provided for RUDR.

Staffing levels

were 3.8 man years scientific and professional and 2.2 man years technical

Major equipment purchased was a computer based multi-channel pulse

height analyzer to replace and upgrade the existing BNLSEP analytical labora-

tory equipment.

By September 1980, Greenhouse, Cua and Knight had left the

program and Miltenberger, Naidu and Lessard performed as primary statf with
Lessard as program director.
During October 1979, Miltenberger and Lessard finalized plans

for the

new whole-body counting trailer with Dillingham, Otterman and 3rown.

construction began at BNL.

Enertech was informed in October of the failure of

the wind-generators supplied and repaired by them.


During the next

the whole-body counting chairs were built, disassembled,

forwarded to Kwajalein along with the new trailer.


packed and

Naidu and Greenhouse, of

BNLS=P and Pratt of BNL Medical prepared an educational program on the effects
of tallout from nuclear tests for the inhabitants of Bikini, Enewetak,
Rongelap and Utirik Atolls.

This effort documented the original training pre~

sented to the Rongelapese and Utirikese by Naidu during 1977 and 1978.
_In February 1980, a personnel monitoring field trip was undertaken to
Japtan and Enewetak Islands, "newetak Atoll and Ujelang Island, Ujelang Atoll
to obtain baseline body-burden data on the Enewetak population prior to the
repatriation of Enewetak Atoll in April 1980.

‘“liltenberger, Levine and Greea-

house of BNLSEP and Manalastas, a Phillipine national and a fellow of the
International Atomic Energy Agency performed whole-body counting and collected

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