By August 1979, members of the RUDR program completed a draft of the
diet and

Living pattern study.


results of the soil analyses

for [-129

on samples collected during the 1950's indicated samples from recent times
could be analyzed.

In addition,

soil samples

from Likiep were submitted


Efforts wera initiated to procure excised thyroid glands taken from

the Marshallese who were resident on Rongelap and Utirik.
to be analyzed for Tce-99 and I[-129.

These samples were

The computer simulation of fallout data

was expected to be completed by September.

McInroy of Los Alamos Sciencific

Laboratory had begun analyses of Marshallese teeth samples for Pu, U, Th and

Sr radionuclides.
A September 1979 visit to Rongelap and Utirik was performed by US Oceanography.

They reported the wind-powered electrical generators were not work-

ing and according to the run time indicators,
their repair in August.

they had failed shortly after

It was becoming apparent that to keep the wind~

powered generators operational, routine maintenance by a trained individual
equipped with spare parts and proper tools was required.

External Exposure Measurements at Bikini Atoll, N. A.

Greenhouse, R. P. Miltenberger and E. T. Lessard, BNL #51003, January 1979.
N. A.

137 Cs Body Burdens at Bikini:

To Move or Not to Move,

Greenhouse, Presented at the Chemical Physics Section, Health and Safety

Research Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Janu-

ary 1979.
The Anatomy, Physiology, and Radiobiology of The
Gastrointestinal Tract, E.T. Lessard, Presented at the Twenty-Fourth Annual

Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 1979.


Select target paragraph3