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set policies of "burning up" personnel and then not using them in con.

taminated areas.

The practice of -using men continuously in contaminat.

individuals with exposures between 3.9 r and 5.0 r.

The practice

of returning personnel to home stations before the completion of the


ed areas until the records reached the MPE led to a high number of

operations necessitated a number of waiver requests for exposure of

3.9 r.

A small number of TG 7.1 or 7.5 personnel exceeded a two-

calendar quarter MPE of 7.8 r.


Laboratory Element

‘The laboratory element acted to provide technical service to all

agencies of the Task Force and consisted of the following:

Radio-chemical Section.

The center of operations for this


section was a Signal Corps radio-chemical laboratory trailer located
on the hanger deck of the USS Bairoko. A smaller installation was ¢
operated at the Rad-Safe building on Parry for analysis of samples =
obtained at Eniwetok Atoll. This section received, prepared, and


assayed solid and liquid samples submitted by other elements of the
JTF as well as those samples arising from the activities of this
Task Unit.
Results were furnished in accordance with the request of
persons submitting the sample and included such information as decay

rates, specific activities, beta energies, gamma energies, and par-

ticle size determinations of air-borne and water-borne activities.

Photo-dosimetry and Records Section.
Two film badge processing points were established and ran concurrently during the entire
The photo-dosimetry section afloat operated in a laboratory


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type trailer adjacent to the radio-chemical trailer on the USS Bairoko.
The photo-dosimetry section ashore operated in the Rad-Safe building,


Film badges were calibrated against Cobalt 60 and only gamma

dosages were recorded.
DuPont packet 559 was used; controls and
Standards were developed with each batch of film processed,
At the

completion of the operation a master list of exposures was prepared.

A report of exposure for each civilian participating was sent to his

home station, while in the case of military personnel this report was

made to the appropriate military organization.

The final repository

for the records of exposure will be the AEC Division of Biology and


Electronics Section.
This section supported the activities
of the above sections by the repair and maintenance of densitometers,
voltage regulators, scalers, count-rate meters and scintillation
Individual survey type instruments were repaired as soon






Select target paragraph3