as practicable after breakdown.
In addition instruments issued and
utilized by this task unit were calibrated and serviced at regular
intervals throughout the operation.

Decontamination Elenent

The Task Unit operated personnel decontamination stations at
Parry and aboard the Bairoko, Ainsworth, and Curtiss, No significant
skin contamination was noted in personnel processed through these


were 4

decontamination became a major activity at Parry fol-

Vacuum cleaning, water washing, and steam cleaning

plished in a newly-constructed decontamination area.


contamination of various items from survey instruments to laboratory
trailers was practically accomplished. Equipment was released to using

agencies when decontaminated to 15 mr/hr. ~

Jog it


It was noted during these decontamination procedures that the current instruments were only measuring about one-half of the total radiation present. It was also noted that-the protective clothing was absorbing approximately one-half of the total incident radiation,


extremely low energy of the residual radiation made sealing practices
very acceptable.

Supply Element

Supply stations were originally set up on both atolls, Parry
tation on Eniwetok and Eninman on Bikini Atoll. In addition to its

normal functions,

Parry supply was responsible for shipping, receiv-~

ing and recording all supplies and keeping supplies moving to Forward

Areas as required.
Eninman station was a bese supply and its function was
to maintain sufficient stocks on hand in case additional
Substations vey to cope with the operational situation.

After wp: the Eninman supply station was contaminated

ani thereforW eliminated as a supply point,
A sea-going barge was
Procured and set up as a Rad-Safe Control and Supply Station.

construction aboard the barge consisted of two squad tents and por-~

table salt water showers.
One tent was Jointly utilized by control
end supply element; the other was a dressing and change station.
transportainers were procured for storage purposes and a wooden hot
locker constructed for radiac instruments.
The barge was tied up

alongside the USNS Ainsworth during recovery and salvage operations,

Copied /DOE

LANL, J-Olv.




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