
1. To develop research on the application of the products of
atomio energy to human diseases, including cancer,
Ze To stimulate research on the protection of animals and
food orops from the injurious effects of radiation as well as to

exploit in the biologis field the benefits that may becbtained by

radiation=induoed alterations.


To develop research on problems of detection and control

and handling of radieaaotive materials, and the protestion of personnel

coming in contact with radiation hazards,

4, To develep a training program, inoluding fellowships, to
inorease the pool of trained personnel and overcome the critical
shortage in these flelds,
5, To develop, as a staff responsibility, a program of "Service
Medicine” for the maintenance of the health of employees at Commission
facilities and for the safeguarding of the health of adjacent popula-


(See "B* below for explanation.)

6. To develop, as a staff responsibility, a program of “Service
Health” or "Radiation Control” for the protection of personnel from

hazardous radiation, including a program of personne] monitoring, de-

velopment of exposure standards, and control of radioactive contamina~


(See "BY" below for explanation.)

Program 600 = Categories to be Used in Budget Submissions and as

a guide in preparing Program Assumptions

Sub-Progran €10 < Production (Isotopes)
Isotope production is to be budgeted under sub-program olass 510,
Under sub-program clase 620 funda will be budgeted for the securing
of isotopes for research and for free distribution under the cancer
program on a reimbursable basis.

Sub-Program 620 = Researoh and Development
-" Medioing


© Researoh program at Commission Laboratories and conducted
at private institutions through Direot Contracts is to
be itemized by contract and explained,

= Identifiable cancer activities to be itemized, and other
contracts to be lihted with a pro-ration for cancer work.

Isotope Distribution = Oak Ridge only.

(cancer program)

= See Medicine above,

Biophysics - See Medicine above,

(1) All on-the-job training costs are to be itemized;
raining © (2) All formal training courses, educational conferences
and seminars are to be itemized ond explained; (3) All
exhibits, films and related astivities to be listed and

Sub-Program 630 = Plant and Equipment

Only that construction directly related to the Biology and Medicine

program should be carried under Program 630.

Other inoidental cone

struction will be oarried under the budget of the Division which in
each instance has over-all primary laboratory responsibility.

=@ ll «

Select target paragraph3