
General Explanation

It should be noted that the categories “Service Health" and
"Service Kedioine™ have been dropped from Program 600. Such aotirities in the future will be inoluded as part of the various program

costs (i.e, monitoring cost for blology activities of Carbon Carbide

would be dnoluded in cost of biology program; such expenses would also
be included as costs of activities in Programs 400, 500, etc., when
applicable), However, under the justifications of the various prograns,
the number of staff involved, and the total direct oosts of such sete
vices should be explained. Periodic reports of such activities, ine
oluding oosts, will be required for staff review by Division of Biology
and Medicine, and accoumting reporta should take cognizance of this
620 ~ Research and Development

Oak Ridge Operations Office
Isotope Distribution Program

$450,000 annual level,

(frees distribution under the cancer program)

University of Tennessee Contrast

Maintain an operating level of $200,000 annually, subject to program

Oak Ridge Institute of Huclear Studies


Maintain a training program in the basio techniques of use of

radioactive isotopes.

Develop a olinical canoer research program bonoerning the.

. + application of the products of atomlo energy

including diagnosia and treatment.


to cancer research,

Level of $400,000,

Monsante-Chemical Company Contract
. #200,000 ennual budgetary support.
Carbon’‘and Carbide Contract
| ‘le- study the fundamental effects of radiation on inheritanve in


| bLologioal material and on motabolio processes in plants and.

Be Study. the oharacteriatics of animal and plant tissue in relation
7 te,toxioity te and accumulation of specific radioactive substances,

Study the potentialities of utdlicing certain stable isotopes in

iPhywtologtoal researchs



4e ‘ Fmotion as a service and advisory unit to other research
.dgenoies in applicable instances.

- Be Partioipate in the Clinical Cancer Research Program of ORINS.

Studios on detection and measurement of radiation.


Annual budgetary level to be at approximately the present level |
of $2,200,000 subject to review of program requirements and
adjustments within the total amount approved for the over-all
contract operations.


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Select target paragraph3