









people might receive in 30 years to the whole body and the bone marrow
are calculated using the averaqe dietary intake, radionuclide
concentration, radionuclide fraction absorbed into the body from that
ingested, biological residence times, and external dose rate.
There is no distinction in the Marshallese text between “of radiation
people might receive in the coming 30 years” and “of radiation a person
The English translation made the
might receive in the coming 30 years.”
distinction using the word people for the populated islands and the word
for the nonpopulated islands, but I do not recall the reason for
The scientists referred to in the second paragraph are the authors of
the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-52853 Pt. 4,
September 30, 1982.
The scientists are Drs. W. L. Robison, M. L. Mount, W. A. Phillips,
C. A. Conrado, M. L. Stuart, and C. E. Stoker, of the Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory.
The specific basis for the estimates cited in the DOE-1982 booklet was
the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-52853 Pt. 4,
September 30, 1982, which in turn is based upon the results of the
radiological survey.
The figures presented on page 39 were based on actual calculations and
measurements developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The figures presented on page 39 were taken from the Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory Report, UCRL-52853 Pt. 4, September 30, 1982.
Although calculated from actual measurements, the figures are estimates
because it is not possible to predict precisely the radiation doses any
individual will receive during the next 30 years.
mount pertains to the hypothetical person who, because of
The largest
unusual dietary practices and/or metabolism,
would be expected to take
in and retain more radioactivity than the average person.
pertains to the average dose calculated using the
The highest average
diet that yields the highest dose value.
doses were
In the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report, average
calculated using two different diets. The highest
dose was used
in the DOE-1982 booklet.
amount and highest
average were explained
The difference between largest
in (i) and (j).
The figure 400 millirem applies exclusively to Rongelap Island and the
consumption of local food grown only on Rongelap Island plus imported
food as described on pages 29 and 40 in the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory Report, UCRL-52853 Pt. 4, September 30, 1982.
The figures 2500 millirem and 3300 millirem apply exclusively to
Rongelap Island and the consumption of local food grown only on Rongelap
Island plus imported food as described on pages 29 and 43 in the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-52853 Pt. 4.,
September 30, 1982.


Select target paragraph3