
Copies of my letters to Dr. Kohn regarding his report are enclosed.
A copy of my September 10, 1988 letter to Dr Robison is enclosed.

Response to Question


I am not aware of anything further that the Committee should know about
Rongelap Atol,l, the people of that atoll, or the DOE-1982 booklet,
Radiation Ilo Ailiii ko Itui6fi I1o Maj~l, ko Rar Etali I1o

Response to Question


I have never withheld any information regarding the preparation of the
DOE-1982 booklet.
I worked on the booklet in response to a request from
DOE because I was sympathetic to their interest in wanting to
communicate technical information to the Marshallese people so that the
Marshallese might be better prepared to make decisions about the future
uses of the islands contaminated by the U.S. weapons tests. While the
DOE-1982 booklet was limited in scope and may not have provided all the
answers that the Rongelap and other Marshallese wanted, it appears to
have succeeded in stimulating their thinking and has led them to express
their questions and concerns to the world’s scientific and political


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