Pacific Northwest








Telex 1S-2074




(509) 37332-TS

10, 1988

Dr. William L. Robison
Terrestrial & Atmospheric Sciences
Lawrence Livennore National Laboratory
University of California
P.o. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550
Dear f3ill:
This is to confirm our discussion of the origin of the dose data used in the
1982 publication, “The Meaning of Radiation for Those Atolls in the.Northern
Part of the Marshall Islands That Were Surveyed in 1978.” The dose data were
taken from your report, UCRL 52853.
The 30-year bone marrow doses” and the 30-year whole body doses used in our
publication were those you calculated on the basis of the Brookhaven National
Laboratory Community A & B Survey Diets. .We used the higher of the two
We did not do any independent dose calculations:
Thus, Dr. Kohn’s
report is incorrect on page 40 when he says, “DOE-1982 stated that the diet
on which its reported doses were based consisted only of local foods from
That statement is”incorrect.”
Rongelap Island.
The 1982 publication states clearly, “If 233 people live on Rongelap Island
and eat local food only from Rongelap Island.”
It does not say, “eat only”
We were very careful about that point because we did nocwant
to misrepresent the doses you calculated.
I recognize that the statement in
the book could be misinterpreted if it were not read carefully.
However, the
information I sent Dr. Kohn on October 8, 1987 was clear about that point.
In the tables of calculations a footnote to the dose columns indicatea that
the highest dose values were used based on BNL Community A or 8 Surveys. I
also included copies of Tables 21 and 22 showing the origin of the data. In
Table 22 the values used for Rongelap were marked, they were based on the B
Diet Survey.
I am enclosing a copy of the}~1987
letter to Dr. Kohn.
Because of problems in translating from English to Marshallese, we could not
In retrospect, a few words about
include a lot of detailed explanation.
imported foods supplementing local food would have been useful. However, we
were writing for the Marshallese and not the scientific community.
assumed those interested in the dose details would go to you.

Select target paragraph3