-~ 3 3.

Personnel exposure to gamma radiation: Gamma levels on the island

were derived from data furnished by radiological survey groups from the
University of Washington, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (University of
California), BNL etc.
Urine analyses for 905, and 13766 for personnel living at Bikini
Rongelap and Utirik for 1970-1975 are summarized in Table I and individual data are presented in Table 6.

The average 905, levels over

the past 5 years in the Bikini people, based on radiochemical urine
analyses, were about the same as the people living on Rongelap.


average urinary 13745 level was about 1/2 to 1/3 that of the Rongelap
group over the same period.

Gamma spectrographic data from whole body

counting on several Marshall Island groups are summarized in Table 2
and individual data for the Bikini people, whole body counted in 1974,
are presented in Table 8.

Based on this direct counting technique

13706 levels of the Bikini inhabitants were about 1/4 the levels of the
Rongelap people (also counted at that time).

These values are well

below the maximum permissible levels as stated by the ICRP.

The graphs

in figures 1 and 2 show that the estimated body burdens of 7055 (derived
indirectly from urine) and the 1376s (by whole body counting) for the
Bikini people are well below the peak values noted in the Rongelap people.
The latter group had reached a peak of 6-11% of the maximum permissible
905, level (for general populations) in 1961-1965.and about 22% of the
. Report of Committee II on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation (1959).
International Commission on Radiological Protection.

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