~ 2 -.
from BNL accompanying the team.

Medical examinations have not been done,

since they were not indicated in view of the low levels of radiation to
which the people are exposed.

However, when physicians from the BNL

medical team are at Bikini they have, for humanitarian reasons, examined

and treated many individuals at the request of the individuals or health

No health problem or sickness has been noted which could be related

to radiation exposure.

The results of bioassay procedures have been most.

important in forming a basis

for reassurance of the people living at Bikini

regarding their radiological safety.
In order to assess the radiological hazard the following bioassay procedures have been carried out:


Radiochemical analyses on urine samples:

pooled samples).

(individual 24 hour and

These analyses require sophisticated chemical procedures

and are performed by the ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory in New York

Such radiochemical analyses have also been carried out on water

and indigenous food products.

Analyses were made for 700n, 13765 and Pu,

On one occasion nasal swabs taken on Bikini workmen were taken to the U.S.
to be analyzed for Pu.

Direct measurement of radiation in the people by gamma spectro~

graphic analysis:

To perform this analysis tons of radiation~free lead

bricks were shipped to the Marshalls and a shielded counting facility
set up in one of our air-conditioned trailers and transported to Bikini

on our vessel (LCU-Liktanur).

The measurement of body radiation by such

analysis is very sensitive and requires complex electronic equipment and
scientific personnel from BNL who are experts in this technique.

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