13766 level in about 1965.

These low levels of internally absorbed radio-

nuclides in the Bikini people are in accord with the fact that they have
been subsisting mainly on imported foods.
Analyses for plutonium 239, and 240 were carried out also on many
of the urine samples.

No statistically significant levels of plutonium

were measured (Table 7).

In 1971 nasal swabs from 10 men working on Bikini

(2 samples each, one from each naris) were found to have no measureable
The total estimated bone marrow doses (the critical organ for somatic
radiation effects) from all radiation sources for people living at Bikini,
Rongelap, Utirik, Long Island, New York and Denver, Colorado are shown in
(Table 3).

Since the people living at Denver have a considerably higher

natural radiation contribution (due to cosmic radiation) their mean exposure
is substantially higher than the people living on Bikini.

The mean estimated

dose to people on Long Island is about half that of the people of Denver.
It might be noted that many thousands of people living in areas of South
American and India are exposed to mich higher levels than indicated for
Bikini due to the naturally high thorium content of the soil .
have been no reports of increased cancer or


other ill effects in

Denver or these other populations that might be related to their increased
radiation exposure.
Table 4 shows results of analyses of water samples from Bikini.


on these findings the well water is in the permissible range of intake for
each radionuclide as stated in ICRP Publication 2 (ref. pg. 3).



Eisenbud, M. International Symposium on Areas of High Natural Radioactivity.
Summary Report, Pocos de Coldas, Brazil, 1975.



Select target paragraph3