
as 2s the previews mute.
“be agi rate af <urnower of params sitll persists.

Daring asst af this peried ve eve «i sn; one payuieien eomiieiiie fey perfem-

anse ef reutine physical examinations as wml. «5 tbe oxre ef the patients in

Pola cutierres are aseignes to the alinioal labere-

Mins Maidie Bunn is the sures in abarye of the first aid etation ad

(pe May 1) the new first aid station and alnioal laboretesy at 5 Site vere

tee 5 Building dlapemeary.
Yrs. Zanel Tarice ant ee.
‘ary subsection.

Dr. Fred Alemader vaminated bis employment vith this Greup as ef May 1.

Mise Herviett Pwteress, Bures Superviesr, attended the cmvertion ef the

mmeriean Aseseiation ef Intostrial Burves in Atlastic City, Nev Jersey. While
ia the feast abe alse Visited the Medieal Seatian af the Brookbaven National

Gm dgert) 6, Ques 28-10, wes carrying 0 four fect

_ «@bowutaries amd the 4K affices and lalaretor:ss in New York City.

~ 2.

nection ef pipe in each hant and while quing throwgh cervider the Clenead oni

o¢ one of the pipes stron: his leg. there was mo visual iajury aqparent st

thst tine but a fer days later a oruise appeared. On igri) 12D reparted to i-Building) ne returned on the Lith and again on the LOth, at veiah time



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