et he


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“* wae referred to the .ca (loupe fiiienl center. GOURD injury is
desertbe: as ¢ ‘erxlerness af the Lever right -eg; -bs miner Greise ves azgre~

vated by « anse af variouss veins. GRE off fren uhwe dr
anc als on the lith and 17tL of the meth.

Lest time change, 3 Gays.

2. Aprdl 5, CPestinist in the thay Deperteent,
it bia Singer while warking in - Shep. QRme nelding ome and of an
adapter ubiah Tite inte a ailiing waehine while angther emplayes knocks’ it

ot af ths mastion. QR underestinated ‘he weight af the edapter end uten
+» wes knocked leees .* ail onte a table and art Als flager end tendon.
was “treated eat Las diemos Medical Cesar.


9 uid ost reture te werk the day

etter the adcident and was off witil April 30.

Lest time charged, 21 days.

C. Beperienons
1. april 12, while perferming acme utility changes in a shop at Sid Rast
doad, a Zis walder ceused a amll fire while using a cutting tara to eut a
bole tarougi a Stee. bem) damace was oegligiaia.
@ May 1, in Building #1, TD Site, a aml. cLre was censec oy a cis aan

and da

wing a cutting taron; damage was magligible.

3. Qo Me 2 there was a fire in the om /an ae wees? Duilding, Seah sven 3.

Ti Sire was ceuse! wher 0 statio disebarge ignited the fuss en the oottes balt,




wilh vee alightiy crayed; inside the Yan de Traaff tank. ‘he tank wes at that
tine pressurised \iti cempresos: air.

Tie belt was « total leas although thave

was no damage done to the mahine. istineted loss, aheut $560.

” ~ Qo May 7? there was a fire is tis new CS Milléing being constructed on
Gerth ‘eee when «a shlemender was knocked cover

‘hs salasender ignited sons

ail; damage was negligible.

S$. Qa May B, about 2:00 ann., there mms « lize in Rtlding Sad} at 5 Site.

This fire cocurred in an experimenting setuy when a eat osctrel meshanias failed
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