
De eee

A rwugh calibration of the comverted ‘ee ves te newtrems of maerzgies
tancing frem 0.G2 Mew to * Mev was eompletet.

“he date are being summarined.

Sapesures fer onlibrations ef Dupest ‘42 smsitive film te betas ef
iifferent energies vere sampleted.

Fllns are new belag iztargpeted.

The senaitivity of severe] types ef “Lia ls balag ieveshignted te find
a suitable set ef fliine fer the next Ierada ‘ants.
Plans fer fila dewaloping facilities «: ‘be “vada Site vere stadia.
Pile prosessing equipment is nov being wade © che Sheet Metal Shep.
Pive different deaigne ef flim beige selcers “or use at the Heveds Site

axve been tested in sonjumstion with 2 dite «hots.

weulte «ill se civem ina

special repert vhen the tests sre complete

femples of Cenbridge, Laleket, ani Aeakeen dociasters vere tested fur
acoursey amd adequate air senling.

On the wacis ef these tests cartain moci-

fications have been mate to be fulfilled w eny ow dosimeters erdarei.

°. Meteorelory (Ma). ddert t. Net, oC)


=: _.Sresual
Maj. Clifford «. Spohn,

wl. setorn frum cversens in vups,

$75), amd will be aseigned '» eather Owteccment 259-71 as the replecemet fur


2. Qoeretions,


che only operation engaged in 27 ne deather Seetion during this period

was the preperetion and dissemination af ‘ae daily ventber feresast fer Les Lames.

3. Degeerebs
A eowtimuing amalynis of weather records is being made with the hope ef

being able te establish correlations beween the gper air pressure, tamperatare,
wd nmidity date which slemants vere relatively slowly end ecamtinmeualy is
ime) with the observed tamperature, srecipitation aad wind eamfitions at Los Alam
Climatological ecards “or Loe lame are sodified as atditionsl date
vxoune sPailahle






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00131125 008


Select target paragraph3