ve mem Bet
. at
te ah
TERS 4, Peetate
ict aver anh vidbawela, be te baie

urt has original
vases where the

4e of the propexceed $100,

aritime matters

title toland or
other than the
ession), and in

the maximum

ye imposed

iné or im3, or both.

of all courts, except the High Courg certain criminal andcivil cases in its
and the community court for thgstrict. In 1966 the Mariana Islands

Kwajalein Test Site, are Micronesiansgstrict Legislature adopted this limi-

as are all clerks of courts, assessors

system of trial by jury. No other

and other employees of the courtsjstrict legislature has enacted laws to

except for the administrative officer. opt provisions of Public Law No.
three court reporters, and a secretary-7, and notrial by jury has been held
to the Chief Justice. Of the 125yen in the Mariana Islands District.

Micronesian judges, 23 are district’

court judges, who also serve as speciaij_ A simplified small claims procedure

judges of the High Court, and 106 are; in operation for handling claims for
community court judges. Micronesians00 or less in district and community

also serve as the six district clerks ofpurts. Community courts are allowed

courts, 12 assistant clerks of courts,duch latitude and only are required to
mply with the more essential parts
the rules of procedure applicable to

f the Interior
* Justice, the
the panel of

Official Languages

e High Court.

in cases in the High Court are in#views, powers on appeal or review,

:d to sit in the
lese judges is
gislative and

; Covernment
*pend ence of
the Trial

‘t can remove

court judges

r terms for
Assessors are

if necessary,
. polding a

and two probation officers.

nt and
s other than

y he.Chief
‘y the Chas

of the High

oF a


udges other





yees of the
xtent constration, as
- the Trust
the judges

er courts.

Ordinarily, proceedings and records’


of the accused, appeals,

English, but pleadings in indigenousind stays of execution, are defined in
languages are frequently accepted. ehapter 4 of the Trust Territory Code.

Proceedings in the Trial Division arefhe Government has the right of
normally translated orally in open{ppeal in criminal cases only when
court into the principal indigenousWritten enactment intended to have

language of the area where the pro-fhe force and effect of law has been
ceedings are being held. Further trans. field invalid. In such a case the action

lation is also provided for any accused Which may be taken on appeal is

who understands neither English nor imited to a reversal of any determina-

ion of invalidity of the enactment
volved and does not affect any find-

such principal indigenous language.

In the district and community
g of not guilty.
courts, proceedings are ordinarily in ;

the principal indigenous language, and & In line with U.S. Supreme

records are kept either in that language Wecisions pertaining to the rights of an

or in English.


accused, the High Court issued an

pinion directing that similar safepuards be made available to persons
nder investigation for commission of

The procedure followed in the €times. These include:

Territory courts in both civil
criminal cases is, in general, a simpl
ifi- §
cation of that used in the U.S. distr
ict ¥
courts sitting without jury.

The Congress of Micronesia, by
Public Law No. 1-7, effective August

e Prior to any questioning, the
person must be warned that he
has a right to remain silent, that


e That the police are required to
obtain counsel for a_ person,
when he so requests, and they
may not interrogate until counsel
is present.

After a criminal charge has been

brought, the defendant is entitled to:

e Have, in advance of trial, a copy
of the charge upon which heis to
be tried
e Consult counsel before trial and
have an attorney-at-law or other
representative of his own choosing defend him attrial
e Apply to the court for further





which the court shall grant if
. satisfied that the defendant will
otherwise be substantially prejudiced in his defense
e Bring with him to trial such
material witnesses as he may
desire or have them summoned
by the court at his request
e Give evidence on his own behalf
at his own request at trial,
although he may not be compelled to do so
® Have proceedings interpreted for
his benefit when he is unable to
understand them otherwise, and

any statement he makes may be

e Request appointmentofan assessor in trials before the Trial

presence of counsel, either
retained or appointed, during

has not been appointed by the
Trial Judge under provisions of
Section 126 of the Code.

used as evidence against him, and
that he has a right to the

23, 1965, authorized the district legislature of any district to adopt the
system oftrial by a jury ofsix persons

e@ That the services of the Public
Detender, when in the vicinity,
and of his local representative are
available to represent a person
under investigation and that such
services are provided without
cost to the person.

Part V—Political Advancement {Fiscal Year 1968

Division of the High Court if one




Select target paragraph3