Each community court has original
jurisdiction in ail civil cases where the
amount claimed or value of the property involved does not exceed $100,
except admiralty and maritime matters

and the adjudication oftitle to land or
any interest therein (other than the

right to immediate possession), and in

all criminal cases where the maximum

punishment which may be imposed
does not exceed a $100 fine or imprisonmentfor 6 months, or both.

Only the Secretary of the [nterior
may remove the Chief Justice, the

Associate Justices, and the panel of

temporary judges qualified to sit in the

Appellate Division of the High Court.

Thus jurisdiction over these judges is
removed from the legislative and
executive branches of the Government
to assure maximum independence of
judicial authority. Only the Trial
Division of the High Court can remove
district and community court judges
from office during their terms for
cause after a hearing. Assessors are
appointed and changed, if necessary,
by the judge or judges holding a
particular session. Appointment and
removal of judicial officers other than
judges and assessors is by the Chief
Justice or at his direction. Their rate
of compensation is fixed by the Chief
Justice with the approval of the High
Commissioner, as is that of assessors
and all the lower court judges other


Presiding Judges

of district

Participation in Courts.

Micronesians are employed as
judges, officers, and employees of the
courts to the maximum extent consistent with proper administration, as
specified in Section 183 of the Trust
Territory Code. At present, the judges

except for the administrative oft

three court reporters, and a secre

to the Chief Justice. Of the

Micronesian judges, 23 are dis
court judges, who also serve as sp«
judges of the High Court, and 10€
community court judges. Micrones
also serve as the six district clerk
courts, 12 assistant clerks of cou

Tenure of Office


of all courts, except the High C€
and the community court for
Kwajalein Test Site, are Micrones
as are all clerks of courts, asses
and other employees of the co

and two probation officers.
Official Languages

Ordinarily, proceedings and recc
in cases in the High Court are
English, but pleadings in indigen
languages are frequently accept
Proceedings in the Trial Division
normally translated orally in oj

court into the principal indigen:

language of the area where the p
ceedings are being held. Further tra
lation is also provided for any accus
who understands neither English r
such principal indigenous language.
In the district and commun:
courts, proceedings are ordinarily
the principal indigenous language, a
records are kept either in that langua
or in English.

The procedure followed in tl
Territory courts in both civil an
criminal cases is, in general, a simplif

cation of that used in the U.S. distric
courts sitting without jury.
The Congress of Micronesia, b
Public Law No. 1-7, effective Augus

23, 1965, authorized the districtlegis

lature of any district to adopt th

system of trial by a jury of six persons
Part V—Political Advancemen

Select target paragraph3