an additional R-369 or an AN/FRR-4.lreceiv~r. The quality of the
voice channel was also degraded by the unserviceable condition of the
AN/FTA-6 and AN/FTA-7 equipments (~co B-1 Vogad ~d

C-3) Radiotele-

phone Control Terminal), which are essential for commercial-grade service on a system of this type. This equipment was ftially made serviceable in June 1956.

Difficulty was also experienced because of

poor transmission on the landline connection at Hawaii between the

Schofield Barracks switchborad, which terminated the radio circuit,
and the commercial exchange. Some improvement of this link was obtained by request to the Signal Officer, USARPAC, but nore improvement could be had by retaminating the radio circuit at a more central point such as Fort Shafter. This would entail the use of a fourwire repeatered circuit, facilities for which were not available at
the time.
(6) Air Conditioning of Stations. past experience indicated that communication-electronicequipment in an uncontrolled
environment deteriorates rapidly in this climate due to the effects
of moisture. Therefore, plans for the relay center and facilities
control complex specified complete enclosure, insulation and air conditicming. Because of a desigm error on the part of the contractor,
the air conditioning installation was of inadequate capacity, leading
to temperatures in the neighborhood of 100 degrees until an additional
unit was provided. Air conditioning for the receiver and transmitter
station was not planned, but its lack was strongly evident. In acldition to the deterioration of equipnent caused by high humidity, ambient teriiperatures
became so high that personnel efficiency was raa







Select target paragraph3