

Use of inefficient transmitting antennas. In order

to avoid changing antennas when frequencies were changed and also to

obtain omni-directional radiation for certain ship-shore and air-ground
circuits, a Navy-designed two-wire terminated sloping folded diPole was
used. Fourteen of these were erected. The design is admi.ttedl.ya
compromise, sacrificing radiation efficiency to obtain a non-resonant
characteristic. For certain circuits this antenna worked acceptably;
however, for those where the omni-directional feature was not required
and where the numbar of choices of frequency for a given circuit was
small, the erection of resonant doublets would have been more satisfactory because of greater efficiency, This would of course have required a means of antenna switching at the transmitters. For the circuits where omni-directional radiation was required, vertical antennas
would have been superior. These could have been in the form of wires
suspended from catenary strand for the higher frequencies, and topor ULU types for the lower frequ~ncies~ Regardloaded towers or lITII
less of the typo

used, greater separation should have been maintained

between antennas in order to avoid interference due to intermod~ation~
which was a serious problem in some instances. With horizontal or
sloping antennas of the type us~d, spacing is restricted by the limited
area available for the antenna field* &eater use of vertical radiators would alleviate this problem.
(5) Single Sidehd

System to Hawaii. ~ilthoughopera-

tion of this system was generally satisfactory, improved service would
be obtained on the high-grade voice channel by the use of space diversity reception. This would require an additional rhombic antenna and

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Select target paragraph3