of Task Group 7.1, except those located on ENIW3TOK Islands on
FAFfiYIsland. TMS

SaVSd transporting them to EMIWETOK Island

for processing and subsequent return to FARRY Islmd for loading


aboard ships.

~dy, appro-tely

1/3 of the vehicles assign-

ed to Task Group 7.1 were turned-in for classific=ticn. At the same
tinet vehicle processing:<
for shipnent was started on kARRY Island
ty Tasi:Group 7.2 Ordn:mce teams.

It is estimated that all vehicles

assigned to Task Group 7.1 will be turned-in to the Depot by 15
Augusta These vehiclee will have been spot-sanded, and Pinted


Task Group 7.5 prior to turn-in. These vehicles will be completely
Type I processed for return to CO1?US,in accordance with Department
of The Army Supply Bulletin 9-4,

by 31 August 1956. Vehicles in ex-

cess of Interim Eeriod requirements assigned to Task Groups 7.2 ark!
7,4, will be inspected, classified, and Type I processed on ENIWETOK
Island by 15 September 1956.
As processing is completed, vehicles are released to
the Depot for shipment. Those vehicles exceeding repair limitation
costs authorized by =

735-130-53 and directives Gf the chief of

Ordnance, were released to the Depot for disposition in accordance
with instructions from the Chief of ordnance.
Inspection personnel were furnished the Depot SUpPIY
Officer, and repairs rendered on the turn-in of all weapons.
During the three periods (interim, build-up and operation) under considerc.tion,an average of 182 jobs were accomplished
each montho

The work load dropped as low as 100 jobs per nonth











Select target paragraph3