were issued.
Following the annual 100% technical inspection of vehicles assigned to Task Group 7.2, and 4930 Spt Gp (T) in September
1955, appromtely

33% Of all types of automotive ve~~es


evacuated to the Ordnance Fieli!Maintenance Shop for major boy repair, and to correct ~echanicd deficiencies. This repair progr~
was coupleted on 17 January 1956.

Increased efforts by the ENItiETOK

Motor Pool to enforce driver maintenance, and to incre[tsethe efficiency of 2nd Echelon maintenance resulted in reducing

the num-

ber of jobs perfor~ed on vehicles in February 1956.
By 1 April 1956, the Ordnance Field Maintenance Shop
supported 682 items of vehicular equipment most of which WaS prOcessed for issue during the build-up period.
During the months of l~pril,May and June 1956, e.1007

Inspection WaS accomplished on vehicles in the Iacific

kroving Ground assigned to Task Group 7.1. The inspection was accomplished by mobile teams furnished from the ordnance Field Maintenance Shop without depriving individuals the use of the vehicles
during norrd

working hours. fies~ts of this inspection indicated

a definite lack of driver maintenance and vehicle abuseThe annual technical inspection of SEEQ1 arms of Task
Group 7.2 was accomplished during May.

Results were excellent.

Vehicle roll-up started in late June 1956 when a few
vehicles no longer

needed by Task Group 7.1 were inspected and turn-

ed in to the Depot. Arrangements were made to process all vehicles



Select target paragraph3