during the operation. Internal facilities of APO 187 for sorting mail
were increased and efforts were made to have additional APOfacilities
constructed on PARRY Island, ENIWETOK Atoll and ENYU Island, BIKINI

APO 187, lo~ted

on ENIWETOK Is1.and,served all units h


Pacific Prcwing Ground, including AEC and Holmes and Narver civilian
contractors from the beginning of the period of this report until April

Establishment of three additional APOS in April facilitated ser-

vice and lightened the load of APO 187. APO 435, located on Pmy



land, was manned by Task Group 7.5 personnel but did not provide financial service, APO 436 was established on ENYU Island to provide mail
and financial service to all personnel in the BIKINI Area.

APO 437 was

established on PARRY Island to provide mail and financial service for
Headquarters, Joint Task Force SEVEN, Task Group 7.1, and Task Group 7.5
personnel, APO 187 operated similar to a base post office for these additional APOS in that all incoming mail was received by APO 187 and rerouted to the other APOS. No major problems were encountered and this


system is recommended for future operations. The volume of mail and fi=
nancial service handled by the APOs is annexed hereto.3
The Special Services Section worked steadily throughout the
period from June 1955*

April 1956 readying its facilities for the

operational period. The new swimming pool was opened in July 1955 and
new volleyball courts were constructed. Special Services facilities were
repaired and painted. Because of the shortage of nonappropriated funds
beginning in June 1955, little money was availaliLefor necessary supplies,
extra labor, or new equipment. Effective August 1955, it was directed by
Headquarters, Joint Task Force SEVEN that an admission fee be charged for




Select target paragraph3