
The S1 was responsible for planning, coordinating, and Sup-

ervising the administrative and personnel activities of the task
group. He exercised staff supervision over the Adjutant, Personnel
Officer, Postal Officer, Special Services Officer, C&plains, and
the American Red Cross Representative. The Provost ~rs~l
to the S1 on law and order matters md


the S1 acted in the capacity


of a staff judge advocate in the administration of military justice.
From July 1955 to April 1956 the Adjutant Section placed
special emphasis on the publication of new and revised directives
for the administrative and operational control of the task group*
Stocks of publications and blank forms were increased. The records
administration program was reviewed, old files were removed, the
files of all.sections were placed on disposition schedules, and a
Records Holding Area was established. Administrative procedures
within the Adjutant Section were reviewed and revised to insure maximum efficiency. After April 1956, this section performed normal
adjutant duties. No special problems were encountered.
During this same period the Personnel Section placed special effort upon the procurement and proper assignment of personnel
authorized by the operational Table of Distribution which baxune
effective 1 July 1955. A goal was established to reach full operational strength by 1 November.
Beginning in September 1955, plans were made by APO 187 for
handling the considerable increase in mail anticipated in the PPG




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Select target paragraph3