Se a


Duration of visit - six (6) months from date of


Individuals or organization represented - name of
Nature of business - development of Pacific Proving



Countries to be visited - Marshall Islands.



Personnel Administration at Eniwetok
A trip to the Forward Area was made during the period

12-26 May 1952 by Lt. Col. HE. L. Freshwater, Military Executive, J-1;
Captain R. J. Pitzer, Headquarters Commandant; and LTJG R. F. Wilson,
Assistant Headquarters Commandant.

The purpose of this visit was to

plan for the efficient handling of personnel administration in the

Forward Area.

Details of the procedure for receiving personnel, the

details of planning office space and housing, and other phases of ad-~
ministration were discussed with Holmes and Narver and AEC representatives.
The Headquarters Commandant will establish an office in the Forward
Area in mid-July.

Arriving personnel of TG 132.1 are presently being

processed by the AEC Resident Manager.

When the Headquarters Commandant

arrives, he will assume the duty of personnel processing.
Housing facilities at the Atoll were inspected.

Work was in progress

to repair all plumbing and electrical fixtures in the barracks on Parry
and in general to get them ready for occupancy by arriving personnel.
A complete inspection was made of the two upper island camps on Teiteiripucchi and Runit as to present and proposed housing.

It was felt that

both sites will be adequate to handle the anticipated population.
An inspection of the TG 132.1 Headquarters building revealed that
the building was in good condition but required some additional partitioning for planned offices.

A check was made of the office furniture and

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